Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Six Words

Six Word Saturday
It's been a beautiful two days.
Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas.
Made the best french toast ever!

reverb 25 - also in Six Words

New portfolio! Proudly displaying creative discovery.


mrspao said...

It is great to have a blank sheet to aid your creative discovery. I'm going through that next year too. Hope that your creative discovery goes really well and that success comes your way.

Emily said...

Ooooh- FUN! Yea for art, creativity, and discovery:)

Cinderita said...

Love. And the photo is awesome! Hope it was awesome! xo

Creatively Sensitive said...

@mrspao - It's so true. I want to fill those empty pages up as soon as possible :)

@Emily - It was, it is. I think I squealed a little when I got the portfolio. Didn't even wait for anything else, just started filling it up :)

@Cinders - It was so lovely lady. And mellow, yes!