Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wishcasting - Full Wolf Moon

As the wolves of January howl their hungry, I will howl mine here, in wishful words. Jamie Ridler asks us this week What hunger do you wish to feed?

Plain and simple. I am ravenous for more travel. Places I can't get to (reasonably) by car. Yes, we are planning to hit New York on our trip to see family out east. Yes, I am trying to find a way to make San Diego part of my August. What I hunger for is to get off this continent. It's dawning on me that it might have been eight years since I have. What the?! I want to explore this world. I want to spend time in the International departures and arrivals terminals. I want to find a way to make it work with my food allergies.

This is what I wish for! Now boarding...


MaryK said...

Your wish sounds exciting! As you wish for yourself I wish for you also.

Grace said...

:) World traveler! As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well!

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

Travel that sounds so good. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also

Cinderita said...

Oh my gosh. As you wish for YOU I wish for you also..(and for me too!). xo Nothing in this world feeds my soul like travel does. Let's go somewhere together!